Inspired by the acclaimed Marvel Civil War storyline, this action-RPG delivers once again on a colossal cast of characters, thrilling gameplay and impassioned alliances. The highly anticipated sequel to 2006’s Marvel: Ultimate Alliance -heralded as the best Marvel Super Hero game of all time, and selling more than 4 million units worldwide-is finally here with Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2. The enemies you battle and the missions you accomplish depend on which side you choose. As Civil War is stirred, Iron Man leads the Pro-Registration side while Captain America spearheads the stand on Anti-Registration. The Superhuman Registration Act becomes law and Super Heroes must register as weapons of mass destruction, becoming licensed government agents. You and your team of Marvel Super Heroes help Nick Fury launch a secret pre-emptive strike against Latveria and Lucia Von Bardas only to have to thwart her retaliatory attack on New York City.Ĭoupled with other Super Hero incidents, public sentiment turns against Super Heroes. Play as Juggernaut exclusively when you pre-order from .uk Captain America can use his Vibranium-alloy shield to strike multiple enemies You wouldn't like me when I'm angry-harness The Hulk's phenomenal power Use Irons Man's concussive blasts to vanquish foes